

Dashr is a cutting-edge technology specifically designed for use in combines, sports performance testing events where athletes showcase their abilities across various physical tests. It leverages precision timing systems to accurately measure athletes’ speed, agility, and explosive power, offering a critical tool for coaches and scouts in evaluating performance. Dashr systems are typically composed of wireless, laser-based timing gates that athletes pass through during drills, such as the 40-yard dash, pro agility shuttle, and vertical jumps. These systems are renowned for their ease of setup, portability, and high accuracy, making them ideal for use in both professional and amateur sports combines where precise measurement is paramount.

One of the standout features of Dashr is its ability to provide immediate feedback on performance metrics. This instant data analysis is invaluable for athletes looking to assess their performance in real-time, allowing for immediate adjustments and improvements in their technique. Coaches and trainers can also utilize this data to tailor training programs more effectively to each athlete’s specific needs, enhancing overall performance and helping athletes reach their full potential. Moreover, the integration of Dashr technology with mobile applications and cloud storage enables easy tracking of performance over time, facilitating a detailed analysis of an athlete’s progress and identifying areas for improvement.

In the competitive world of sports, where even the smallest margins can make a significant difference, Dashr offers a competitive edge. Its precision and reliability help ensure that the metrics recorded are a true reflection of an athlete’s capabilities, making it a trusted tool in combines across various sports disciplines. From football to track and field, Dashr’s technology supports a fair and accurate assessment of athletic performance, contributing to the objective selection of talent and the advancement of training methodologies. As combines continue to evolve, the adoption of technologies like Dashr signifies a shift towards a more data-driven approach in sports performance evaluation, benefiting athletes, coaches, and scouts alike.



Rapsodo has revolutionized the way youth baseball players and coaches approach the game, offering a high-tech blend of analytics and training tools that was once available only to professionals. This innovative technology provides instant feedback on pitching and hitting metrics, enabling young athletes to understand their performance in unprecedented detail. For pitchers, Rapsodo measures vital data such as velocity, spin rate, spin axis, and pitch break, allowing them to refine their technique and strategy. Hitters, on the other hand, can analyze their swing with metrics like exit velocity, launch angle, and direction, which are critical for improving power and accuracy. This data-driven approach helps players make precise adjustments to their mechanics, fostering a more effective and efficient development process.

Beyond individual skill enhancement, Rapsodo also has significant implications for team strategy and player development at the youth level. Coaches can utilize the detailed analytics to tailor training programs to the specific needs of each player, promoting a more personalized coaching methodology. This capability is a game-changer for youth baseball, as it enables teams to optimize their practice sessions, focus on areas that require improvement, and better prepare players for competition. Additionally, the ability to track progress over time with Rapsodo’s data allows coaches and players to set measurable goals and benchmarks, making the path to improvement clear and quantifiable.

Moreover, Rapsodo’s impact extends into the recruitment and scouting process for young athletes aspiring to play at higher levels. By compiling comprehensive data profiles, players can showcase their skills and potential in a way that was not possible before. This access to detailed performance metrics offers a significant advantage when communicating with scouts and recruiters, providing a tangible measure of a player’s abilities and progress. As a result, Rapsodo is not only enhancing the way youth baseball players train and develop but also how they are scouted and recruited, marking a significant evolution in the sport.

Canesfest 2024